Living in Peace

Unconditional love is synonymous with living heaven on earth. Once you have understanding, all fear, anxiety, EGO, separation, and all of those other negative words, no longer belong as descriptors of your experiences.

My Higher Self

I am the good kind of crazy, because I have been put through hell in a handbasket a few times, and in the course of those experiences, I have been labeled many different things. Because of incorrect, societal labels, I have been emotionally tortured, held hostage on American soil, and just basically have been put through “it” by the very people that were supposed to be the “fixers” of things. At the end of the day, I make no apologies about what I now say, and do as a result of my experiences; for example, “Do not be angry with me for telling you that your system is inefficient, you should be angry that you are trying to do business with an inefficient system; don’t shoot the messenger”. Being completely unapologetic about being me, in today’s society is a no-no; well, I say hell-no … I will not be silenced; you will learn how it is that I now live in complete harmony and peace, HEAVEN ON EARTH because of these past experiences. I realize that every day I wake up, I have an opportunity to change, to give myself an attitude adjustment; but then I also realize that my attitude is so awesome that I have no need to change it … HAPPY THOUGHTS, YAY!!

I transformed my life, by learning my soul

evidence of living in complete synchronicity

blessed with metaphysical gifts

My Hearts Message

Write a book that would allow people to see that living heaven on earth is not only possible, but essentially effortless. Understand unconditional love and you cannot get out of “Gods’ Grace”.

01: Discover Who You Are

As Plato suggested, “Know Your Soul”

What do I believe?

Why do I believe these things?

Does my belief in these things add to, or subtract from my connectedness with the “One” (whatever that means to you)?

02: Reflect and Self-Evaluate

Deepening Spiritual Awareness

Be really honest with yourself about your answers to these questions about your beliefs.

03: Love Unconditional Love

Harmonize your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Realize you have all you need to be “happy” within your being; but don’t settle for the feeling of happiness, cultivate a constant state of JOY in your HEART!

The Good Kind of Crazy, is me being unapologetically me.